Leo I, 457-474, and Anthemius, 467-472, with Publius Rufinus Valerius. 'Tessera Monumenti' (Bronze, 14x18 mm, 3.99 g, 6 h), Rome, 467-472. SALVIS DD / NN LEONE / ET ANTEMIO in three lines; all inlaid in silver. Rev. PVBLI / RVFINI / VALERI in three lines, all inlaid in silver. Bendall -, cf. 172 (in the name of Zeno, Odoacer and Symmachus). CIL XV, 7118 = PLRE II (1980), p. 1146, 11. CPAI -. MAH -. Pondera -. Of the highest rarity, the second known example. A beautiful imperial 'tessera monumenti' of great historical importance. The inlays partially missing, otherwise, very fine.
This tessera provides the names of the eastern and western emperors Leo I (457-474) and Anthemius (467-472) on the obverse and that of Publius Rufinus Valerius on the reverse. Unfortunately, none of Valerius' titles or his office are given, but considering that his name appears alongside the two emperors, it is safe to assume that he held a very high position. In fact, the few tesserae monumentorum that do provide the name of an office all refer to praefecti urbi or praefecti praetorio, the urban and praetorian prefects of Rome. Publius Rufinus Valerius, who is otherwise unattested in historical records, thus likely held one of these crucial positions under Anthemius. It is worth noting that although the tessera is of western origin, Leo's name precedes that of Anthemius, reflecting the seniority of his emperorship